RE: Setting up a USR 288 Courier!
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 16:36:00 -0700

At 01:37 PM 11/8/95 PST, you wrote:
>On Wed, 8 Nov 1995 14:07:25 -0700 wrote:
>>Hello again everyone...Earlier we were having problems here setting
>up a USR
>>Sportster Vi 288 modem with a PM2E (it was hanging before it got to
>>login prompt). We decided to just take it back and get a USR Courier
>>the rest of our modems, yet we still are having the same problem!
>We've set
>>up the modem and tried plugging it into two different ports that were
>>already configured correctly, but are still not able to get past the
>>prompt. Any ideas?
>Give us some details on your setup? Send the modem AT&F1S0=1&W at
>115200 bps, and set all 3 port speeds to 115200, use rts/cts flow
>control, proper cables (pins 1-8,20)...

Hey again. Ok, we've set up the modem with at that speed with that setup
string, set all three speeds to 115200, xon/xoff is off, and rts/cts is on.
I haven't tried a new cable yet (it does have all the right pins though),
I'll give that a try. I saved the config for the port and reset it. Also,
I've tried plugging that same modem into a different port that is already up
and working, and still couldn't get past the login prompt??????? GRRRRR....

>Bob Fitton, Technical Support, Capella Networking Northwest
><> 10245 Main St., Suite 14-3
>206-451-8995 FAX: 453-3461 Bellevue, WA 98004
"Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do."

-St. John 8:44


Dave McPike
Stonehenge Internet