Direct serial cable connection to Portmaster fails

Demetris Papallis (
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 12:27:50 +0200 (EET)

We've just purchased a PC for software testing purposes and I'm trying to connect via a
serial cable to the portmaster in order to have a direct connection. Everything I tried
fails though. The PC came with Win95 preinstalled. There is a program especially for
direct connections which I used but the connection always fails. It doesn't
see the portmaster. I've already installed TCP/IP as the default protocol and I
configured DNS for that too. The port in the portmaster that I attempt to connect was
preset for this type of connection since I was using a 386 (with Win3.1) for the exact
same purpose. The only difference is that I was using Chameleon for this but Chameleon
won't work with the new PC either. Has anyone had any experiences with this??



======= ___       ===             === Demetris Papallis,System Administrator
====== /    /   /  ___  ____ _/_ ==== Cylink Ltd. / EUnet Cyprus
===== /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  ===== 504 Augousta House, 10 Stassandrou str.
==== /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_ ====== Nicosia 1660, Cyprus
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