PPP & Shell with the same account

Tue, 7 Nov 1995 11:18:54 -0500 (EST)

If this is in a FAQ somewhere, please point me to it.....

We have set up a PM2E with the ports set up for Network/Login with the
network as Dial-In and the Login Service as Portmaster, the host
specified is our Unix box and started our testing without Radius. The shell
account users got the host login quick as a wink. We added a PPP/IP user
to the PM2E and everything works fine. We pulled down the latest version
of radiusd from Livingston and edited the users file for the DEFAULT user
to have Portmaster as the Login-Service and added a PPP username/password
that is on neither the PM2E nor the Unix/Radius host and all is still grand.

Now here's where my problem comes in. We want to issue our users just
one username/password pair. If they come in with the PPP autentication
protocol turned on we would like them to get the PPP session. If they
type the username/password on the $host login: line we would like them to get
to their shell account.

Recent postings on the list alluded to using Pusername or username.PPP
for the PPP session, but I've had no luck with that.

Any help offered would be appreciated.

--Ira Goldstein
Capital Region BOCES
NorthEastern Regional Information Center