Re: Subnettting & Routing question

Pat McClanahan (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 20:39:29 -0600 (CST)

Need some help on this.

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Joshua M. Thompson wrote:

> >Can I simply tell the PM to route sertain IP addresses to a particular PM
> >port?
> Well not to a specific port, but to a specific IP address, which can be
> permanently assigned to a specific port. We do this for one of our
> customers to route a small group of IP numbers to him over a radio modem
> connected permanently to port 30. Assign the first address to the port,
> then add routes to the route table in the PM directing the other seven
> through the first. Works great for us.

I am having problems getting this set up correctly. Would someone be so
kind as to specify the syntax of how this would be set up? For instance
if I have a port (S5) that is a dedicated modem:

set s5 address

But then how do I set the routes using a set command? Would this be
better handled via Radius? If so could someone provide examples? I can't
seem to get to the Livingston pages to see if there is any help there.


Pat McClanahan
SoDak Net
South Dakota's Largest Internet Provider