Re: in.pmd on SCO

Allen J. Newton (
Mon, 6 Nov 1995 15:47:11 -0700 (MST)

Hi, Carl Rigney, in e-mail you wrote:
> Subject: Re: in.pmd on SCO
> Have we ever mentioned nettty.c to you? It binds a pseudo-tty to a
> network host port on the PortMaster and allows two-way communication.
> Its unsupported but freely available in source form, so if you wanted
> to port it to SCO you're more than welcome to pick it up from
> That provides the outgoing functionality of in.pmd, albeit not in so
> clean a fashion.

You have indeed mentioned it, and I have yet to mess with it (but fully
intend to "one of these days", probably soon).

However, my contention was with the "albeit not in so clean a fashion".

I'd really _like_ a clean solution. Transparently clean, in fact, and
would be willing to do the "dirty" work to make it so.

Are you at this time willing to consider that? My offer stands.

Allen J. Newton     BASIS International Ltd,  (505)-345-5232
5901 Jefferson NE,  Albuquerque, New Mexico   87109   Network Administrator     <*>