Dial-In/Out on Novell

Mon, 6 Nov 95 12:58:02 PST

Anyone with ANY recommendations please respond.

I currently have a Caymen Gator Access box which I need to spend $995
to upgrade it to the Portmaster 2E if I want support or anything else.

Problem is, I know the portmaster will work fine for my Unix application
But I have a lot of people out in the field that need access to the novell
servers. And many people in the office need to dial out. I don't want to
put 50 modems in. Tech support says they have "No client software of their
own, you have to find something that works" They were really no help.

Does anyone out there use apps like Procomm Plus and PCAnywhere 5.0 on
a novell net and using the Portmaster to dial out. If so how, and what
software are you running to redirect to the portmaster. (Dos and Windows)

I don't want to upgrade the box if its only going to do half of what
I need...


| Name : James Baumert | Voice : 212/760-0070 Ext. 245 |
| Hardware Support PC/LAN | Fax : 212/564-2635 |
| E-mail: james@garpac.com | WWW : http://www.garpac.com |