New Subject: How can I tell my PM2ER to use both sides of Frame relay (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 23:01:41 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Daniel Wexler shaped the electrons to say...
>My question is on the PM side. I have set up W1 and and config
>called secondary.
> How can I see if both sides are working,
> How can I switch the active side if one of the sides is not working,
> Finally, can this be done automatically.

So is this basically a subinterface? I'm not clear on the setup here.
if it is a subinterface:

>I am having difficulty figuring out how to create sub-ip's with 3.2R. The
>release notes mention using location, but not much more... Is help

add location (name)
set location (name) protocol frame
set location (name) mtu 1500
set location (name) routing (on,off,brodcast,listen)
set location (name) address (IP address)
set location (name) group (dial group #)
set location (name) netmask (netmask)
add dlci (name) (remote PVC/Telco) (IP address)

Repeat the last step for each PVC you need to enter.



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