Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 15:43:04 -0500 (EST)

> you *DO NOT* flame a customer, and you do not sit on a pedestal and talk
> downn to your customers. It is that simple.

Customers are not entitled to insult support technicians, nor are they
entitled to spiel their OS propaganda without fear of rebuke. This
joker went far, far past the limits of decorum in his treatment of Brian,
and I for one think Brian exhibited near Zen-like restraint in his
response. Others here might not have been so kind.

Using vulgarity directed at hardware or nowhere in particular to blow off
steam is one thing. Using it at Brian is quite another.

> Customer service is a delicate balance, and i feel that livingston needs
> to sit megazone down and explain that to him. It is *not* that difficult.

Livingston needs to sit Brian down and give him a raise for his commitment.

> If one of my helpdesk guys was acting like this i know i would sit them
> down and EXPLAIN to them WHAT they were doing wrong and WHAT they need to
> do to correct it. This is for LIVINGSTON'S benefit.

I doubt you could pay me enough to be one of your helpdesk guys.

> Jonah
> /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
> | Jonah Barron Yokubaitis | TexasNet.Inc |
> | * Total Internet Solutions |
> | President | $9.95/month PPP access |
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> | (210) 272-8111 | |
> \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/

Dan D'Ambrosio