Re: Radius Question (fwd)

William Bulley (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 16:23:41 -0500 (EST)

According to John W. Temples:
> > Next, if PW_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE equals
> > PW_STATUS_START and you don't have a stop entry for
> > this user, add a start entry for this user, recording the
> > client and port as well.
> >
> > PW_STATUS_START and you do have a stop entry for this user
> > on the same client and port, remove the stop entry.
> I don't understand the reason for tracking the client and port here. I
> simply took each START record as a logon, and STOP as a logoff for the
> username specified in the packet. Is this to handle START and STOP
> arriving out of sequence? How likely/common is this?

Happens to us ALL THE TIME! We have a mix of 3.1.2 and 3.1.4 systems
and the behaviour of START and STOP is confusing to say the least...
It even behaves differently (or not at all) depending on protocol!



William Bulley, N8NXN              Senior Systems Research Programmer
Merit Network Inc.                 Domain:
4251 Plymouth Road                 MaBell: (313) 764-9993
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105-2785    Fax:    (313) 747-3185