Re: Radius for NT *sighlet*

Mr. Omnipotent (
Sun, 5 Nov 1995 13:30:41 -0800

> > Perhaps that you don't understand that brian is posting from
> > a account. This reflects on livingston. Livingston is not
> > an ISP that any Average Joe can get an account on. If he wants to post
> > his own comments use something other than a livingston account.
> So anyone who works for my company would have to get an account with
> another ISP to post their own opinions? I think it is up to Livingston to
> decide what is acceptable use for their system. I'm just pointing out the
> fact that employees have the right to their own opinions.
This has turned into an interesting discussion, which, however seems to
have nothing to do with portmasters. But, since this issue came up
recently between my employer and I, I have to comment. (sorry)

My employers policy is that when I am posting from root, or any other
account specifically designated as representing the orginaztion (ie:
staff, webmaster, etc.) that I am to have no opinion except as
explicitally defined by them. However, when posting from any account
NOT owned by the orginaztion I may say and do anything that I feel
confortable with. I find this kinda draconian.....

However, they DO let me run the system anyway I want, and
don't try to push me around at the system stuff (too much <g>).

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