NT RAS performance with Portmasters?

David Ackerman (ack@forte.com)
Fri, 3 Nov 95 11:55:11 PST

Not to keep beating the NT dead horse (alas, if only it *were* dead), but I
have a question about NT RAS (Remote Access Server). We have remote NT users
who use RAS to dial into our Portmaster via PPP (RAS is M$'s implementation
of PPP, with a few twists, for those unfamiliar with it). It works OK, but
the throughput is horrid. I get about 3 times the throughput using Chameleon
for Windows than with RAS on the exact same system running NT.

Based on what I've seen of NT's networking, I tend to think the cause is that
RAS is a just a poor implementation of PPP, but I'm wondering if others have
had similar experiences, or know of any way to improve the performance of


/ David Ackerman | 1800 Harrison Street, 15th Floor \
| Systems & Network Administrator | Oakland, CA 94612 |
| Forte Software, Inc. | (510) 869-3433 (voice) |
| ack@forte.com | (510) 834-1508 (fax) |
\ Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. /