Re: Radius For Nt... why not use a Linux box?

Sean Rolinson (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 15:34:01 -5

> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 08:57:11 -0500
> To:
> From: Paul LaZar <>
> Subject: Re: Radius For Nt... why not use a Linux box?
> Reply-to: Paul LaZar <>

> At 01:55 AM 11/3/95 -0500, you wrote:
> >>>Here's my scream for a port to NT.
> >
> >At 01:02 AM 11/3/95 UNDEFINED, Dan Graupman wrote:
> >
> >>As an interim solution couldn't you just put together a cheap 386 system
> >>running Linux to handle RADIUS?
> >
> >Sure, but in that case couldn't a UnixWare user just put together a BSD box,
> >or a VAX user just throw together a little HP/UX machine? or maybe a SCO
> >machine... you see what I mean. We want an elegant solution. I don't like
> >basing my livelihood on a "cheap 386 system" I would rather run RADIUS on 2
> >fault tolerant NT machines which have been running w/o ANY problems since
> >March w/ zero downtime. I can manage _everything_ from anywhere in the world
> >quickly and easily. I can hire people that simply know how to operate
> >Windows and easily show them how to add users, add rights, setup a virtual
> >web server, etc... You simply can't have a novice do high level
> >administration on UNIX... (please no flames!) I want a reliable, scalable,
> >multi-processor, fault tolerant, secure OS and NT fits the bill perfectly.
> >
> Hear, Hear....
> I totally agree and add my name to the NT port list.
> Our NT server just don't go down, unlike various *nix boxes we must maintain.

As a waste of bandwidth not relating to real issue at hand, our NT
boxes are just the opposite and go down more than our Unix boxes. Of
course I can probably relate this to the various programmers that
wrote the web software on these boxes, but they are our customers and
do pay us. :)

Anyway, I have noticed that the NT machines running Web Site cannot
handle near the hits that our Unix based Apache Web Site can. Just
for the record! :)

I do use NT at home and think it is an exceptional OS for what I need
it for at home. And it makes a good server, but I don't think its
web stuff is ready for prime time. (This is my personal opinion and I am sure
someone can recite stats that would be an attempt to change my mind).


> Paul LaZar PAL Technology Group, Inc
> (VOX) 301-681-0123
> (FAX) 301-681-4807

Sean Rolinson Asst. Systems Administrator
Charm Net Inc. Baltimore, DC, N. Va's Access to the Internet
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