Re: Radius For Nt... why not use a Linux box? (fwd)

Mark E. Mallett (mem@mv.MV.COM)
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 14:41:42 -0500 (EST)

> I don't understand why someone would buy something when they need a feature
> that isn't supported, and then hope that it is. What would happen if we
> said "We've decided to never support NT, at all, period"? Not likely, but
> it's just an example. I see this everyday, people send email, some times
> angry email, asking for, or even demanding, we port pm* to SCO, or UNIXware,
> or BSDI, etc.. Because they absolutely must have it.

I agree with the sentiment, but not with the specifics.
When we bought into Livingston, TWO years ago, it was with the tacit
assurance that support for BSDi would be right around the corner.
Basically "Just have faith in us, we'll support you." "Soon!"

Knock all this other platform stuff all you want, just DON'T make the
claim for BSDi.

Now Livingston has missed two cycles of BSDi OS's and uses the passage
of time to avoid supporting the interim releases. I can understand
not wanting to go all the way back to BSDi 0.9whatever, or even 1.0,
but 1.1 is in widespread use and ought to have software support along
with 2.0 or 2.0.1 . The fact that you failed to do it for a long time
is not a valid reason to avoid it, rather it should be something to
make up for.


Almost expecting a retort of "yes, but did we say it in writing?"

Certainly expecting the usual abuse shown towards anyone who says
anything engative.