Re: OS wars

Joe Sasek (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 11:33:44 -0800

Please excuse the sales interuption to what is normally a very productive
list. I will say that we hear "loud and clear" the desire for RADIUS for NT
and it has a high level of visibility within Livingston. It is not our
policy to "sell futures" so without commenting as to when, I will say that
it is *definately* something being considered for the near future.

Joe Sasek, VP Sales Livingston

>Oh holy baloney, not another "My OS is better than yours, so nyah" war.
>Folks, can we at least *pretend* to act like adults and talk about
>Portmasters instead of bitching about how operating system XYZ is better
>than system ABC? Please???
>If you want a radius port for your OS, then contact Livingston directly
>about it.