Re: Radius For NT....

David Kovar (kovar@NDA.COM)
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 12:36:26 -0500 (EST)

Personal attacks really have little place in this forum. Debating
the viability of NT vs. other OSes is also pretty much a case
of beating a dead horse - you're not going to sway anyone's
opinions and this is the wrong forum for it.

Livingston will port to NT in their own time. As MZ said, people who
bought PMs, knowing they'd be running off of NT (or whatever other
unsupported OS...), knowing full well that the platform is not
supported, have little grounds for complaining, particularly not
to the level that we've seen in recent days.

The S/N ratio on this list is pretty bad. Please, let's try to
keep it to a dull roar?
