Re: Radius For NT....

John Capo (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:10:31 -0500 (EST)

Steve Davies writes:
> On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, root wrote:
> > If NT is such an amazing OS that can do everything that Unix can, then it
> > should be simple to recompile RADIUS on NT and everything should be "hunky
> > dory". So why haven't one of you done the port yourself already?
> This'll probably degenerate pretty fast. Nevertheless, I think this is an
> interesting question. I remember distinctly the MS guys saying that NT
> would be "Unix" in that they have Posix.
> So why is a Radius port hard? The Livingston radius server is pretty
> simple stuff.

I've been wondering the same thing.

I have been told by some NT advocates that NT is POSIX compliant.
I have read that NT is somewhat POSIX compliant and there is a
fellow in Utah that sells some compatability libraries that allow
you to fetch your favorite piece of *nix software from an ftp site
and get it running on NT with very little pain.

These are the library functions that are needed to get radius going
on any OS.

_atoi _fgets _getpid _mktime _sprintf
_bind _fopen _getpwnam _open _srand
_bzero _fork _getservbynam _perror _sscanf
_close _fprintf _gettimeofday _printf _strcmp
_crypt _fputc _gmtime _rand _strcpy
_ctime _fputs _kill _recvfrom _strftime
_dup2 _free _localtime _rename _strncmp
_errno _gethostbyadd _malloc _select _strncpy
_exit _gethostbynam _memcpy _sendto _strtok
_fclose _gethostname _memset _signal _time
_fflush _getpass _mkdir _socket

I count 10 that are network related and 2 that are *nix, and POSIX,
specific. The rest are provided by any decent `C' library and if
they aren't, its not rocket science to create them or rip them off
from another `C' library.

Except for fork(), I have all of these functions available on a
DOS box. Radius doesn't /have/ to fork child processes. Radius
on DOS, now that's an idea. :-)

So NT guys, does NT have fork() or an equivalent? Does NT have
BSD sockets or an equivalent? If it does radius should be running
on NT by noon, is 0910 now.

John Capo
IRBS Engineering High performance FreeBSD systems
(305) 792-9551 Internet Consulting - ISP Solutions