Re: Radius For Nt... why not use a Linux box?

Robert Boyle (
Fri, 3 Nov 1995 01:55:50 -0500

>>Here's my scream for a port to NT.

At 01:02 AM 11/3/95 UNDEFINED, Dan Graupman wrote:

>As an interim solution couldn't you just put together a cheap 386 system
>running Linux to handle RADIUS?

Sure, but in that case couldn't a UnixWare user just put together a BSD box,
or a VAX user just throw together a little HP/UX machine? or maybe a SCO
machine... you see what I mean. We want an elegant solution. I don't like
basing my livelihood on a "cheap 386 system" I would rather run RADIUS on 2
fault tolerant NT machines which have been running w/o ANY problems since
March w/ zero downtime. I can manage _everything_ from anywhere in the world
quickly and easily. I can hire people that simply know how to operate
Windows and easily show them how to add users, add rights, setup a virtual
web server, etc... You simply can't have a novice do high level
administration on UNIX... (please no flames!) I want a reliable, scalable,
multi-processor, fault tolerant, secure OS and NT fits the bill perfectly.

Robert Boyle - Engineer
Garden Networks: Northern New Jersey's Premier Internet Service Provider
50 Diller Ave. Newton, NJ 07860 (201)300-9211 9AM-5PM EST Automatic Response: