Can't work with telnet session on PM2ER!

root (
Wed, 1 Nov 1995 18:30:28 -0500 (EST)

I have a PM2ER that was working fine for the last few months.

It is connected by Frame Relay T1 to a Cisco 2501 serial port.
Both ports have an Adtran TSU.

I have another PM2ER on the same port, but on 56k, and it
is running perfectly.

Today, I telnet into the box, and when doing commands with long
output, the screen randomly pauses hard, and locks up frequently
to the point that I have to ^] to break telnet and telnet back

Multiple reboots produce no effect.

Traffic ~seems~ to be ok. I can ping people on the box. However,
I don't know if they are transferring data properly.

Show W1 shows NO packet/data errors.

The box was 3.1.3, so I took a chance and upgraded to 3.1.4. Except
for the 'ver', everything is still the same.

PMconsole for Win ver 1.0 beta 6 seems to work fine with the box.

Here are some commands, and their effects:

'show w1' works a lot better, but still pauses.
'show all' works, but pauses a lot more
'show sess' works a couple of times and then freezes.

I can do this consistently! The output on the screen even
pauses at the same place everytime.

pmwho on this box is suffering the same problem with pauses.

I would suspect the T1 carrier, but they have been very reliable in
the past, and W1 shows no traffic errors.

I do not know how to put the box in debug mode to see if it shows
any info, and I don't know if the debug output would be helpful.

Please, any help would be beneficial. I'll have to put a call
into Livingston Tech support if I can't figure this out.

Paradise Communications, Inc.
Robert Castles, President
Atlanta Voice: (770)980-0078 * 56K, ISDN, and T1 access available
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Miami Voice: (305)598-4426 * Home Page via WWW