Radius 1.16 (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Wed, 1 Nov 1995 13:54:48 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Gareth Estey shaped the electrons to say...
>Since moving to radius 1.16, there are messages in the log file that say:
>'Killing unresponsive child pid xxxx'. What do these mean, and might this

Radius spawns a child to deal with authenticate and accounting packets as
they come in. On an especially busy host, a child might become hung. If it
doesn't respond, radius will kill it for you. It's done this for a while,
1.16 added some logging. It doesn't effect anything, if the PM doesn't get
a reply, it sends it again and the odds off two children handling the same
request both locking is about the same as the odds of me blinking and finding
myself on a beach in Maui. (*blink blink blink*... Damn...)

>be connected to a recent rash of complaints about users being dropped after
>a few minutes of connect time?

No, Radius doesn't do anything with open connections. If gets a request and
sends a reply, or files it in the case of accounting.


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