Radius ? (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 15:44:43 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jeffery J. Hayward shaped the electrons to say...
>We have 3 term servers running 3.1.4. We have over 600 PPP users in each
>user table, but although two have the same netu db and over 155K mem

600?!?! You are a very, very lucky person. We recommend Radius for
anything over 100. The actual number depends on how many details you
set, but I think we most we've seen is just over 300, and we've seen one
person with lots of configt data lose entries at 60.

>free, one only has 2K free. That one keeps dropping its user table.

Is *everything* else the same? ie, same number of routes, location tables,
etc. They all use Flash and memory. And is it the same users in every

>Because of the problems, (which support@livingston.com hasn't gotten
>back to me on in over a week) I've decided to try radius.

I honestly don't recall your mail. And I don't see it in my incoming
folder. Did you email or call?

>The ppp users authenticate great via radius, but since we are Solaris 2.4
>X.86 we have to use rlogin and all I can get is invalid user for our

PPP can use Radius ok but shell can't? It isn't Radius. It uses the same
calls for both. Well, it could be - IF you have made errors in your PPP
user entries.

Usually though it is that you have the port set to 'login' and not

Let's take this to 'support', send a 'show s#' and one each login and PPP
user entry from Radius.


Livingston Enterprises Technical Support
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support@livingston.com  <http://www.livingston.com/> 
6920 Koll Center Parkway  #220, Pleasanton, CA 94566