pminstall for Solaris 2.4 (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 14:01:40 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Rob Poland shaped the electrons to say...
>Portmaster 2e ComOS from 3.0.1 to 3.1.2 or higher and I want to make

3.1.4 please, 3.1.2 has a couple of problems.

> says not to use pminstall on
>Solaris 2.4. Furthermore I tried running the new pmconsole for

We don't recommend it, Sun has a TCP timer problem in 2.4. The weird thing
is it works for some people and fails for others, and since we can't
determine who will be hit we just say no. (Nancy would be proud...)

>windows on Windows 3.1 and winsock 2.0Rb but I got a run time error
>while making a backup of the configuration.

Yep, known, expected, see below.

>-Are there any specific modem (or portmaster) settings to connect
>UUCP users?

Usually they are treated like a shell login user, with Portmaster mode
connections if possible.

>-What is the alternative for pminstall under Solaris 2.4?


>-How do I solve the run time error from PMconsole for Windows?

We have a version of PMconsole for Windows that we believe fixes the problems
with Trumpet.

If you can, please test this version to see if it fixes the problems you


The directory is unreadable, but you can retrieve that file.

Please let us know how this works for you.

Thank you.

In testing so far, it fixed everyone else. (Well, one person says he has
a problem, but the same thing works for us and for other users, which leads
me to believe it is a Windows config issue. I have the same dos, win,
trumpet, and pmwin version on my laptop...)


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