Re: Maximum number of ptps? (fwd)

Russ Pagenkopf (
Mon, 30 Oct 1995 15:39:37 -0700 (MST)

> Once upon a time David Kovar shaped the electrons to say...
> > At the moment, the routing table shows entries for ptp31 -> ptp126.
> >Any hosts that would appear at ptp127 or higher end up with
> >routing problems - the route bounces between the PM and
> Sounds like an enhancement we've already added in 3.1.4. The limit in
> ptp's is RAM, you might upgrade to 4 megs from 1 and that should give you
> more active ptps.

36 or 72 pin? Parity or no parity? Speed? Size? Is the sun shining? Does
anybody really know what time it is? ;)