Logging failed PAP logins (was RE: anybody seen this with 3.1.4??)

Mark Costlow (cheeks@swcp.com)
Mon, 30 Oct 1995 14:57:59 -0700

davetay> Oct 29 09:42:35 ts1 dialnet: port S0 PPP succeeded dest Negotiated ipx 909090FF
davetay> Oct 29 09:42:35 ts1 dialnet: port S0 PPP succeeded dest Negotiated ipx 909090FF

rsm> We see this when _any_ one does PAP authentication.
rsm> Win'95, linux, Trump Winsock, even reports on this
rsm> list of people seeing it with ConfigPPP on the Mac.

Us too, including MacPPP. We've seen it with several different ComOS revs
too. We've been getting (and ignoring) those messages for over a year now.

rsm> It would be nice if the portmaster would log a failed PAP login with the
rsm> username. As it is now, we get the IPX stuff, then a ppp_sync timeout.
rsm> Not very helpful in debugging [...]

AMEN! Livingston, *please* add this feature! It wasn't such a big deal in
the past when most of our customers were using dialup scripts, but these days
almost all of our new users are using PAP and it's becoming a great

Besides, it really blows their minds if you call up a customers and tell them,
"Sir, we saw you attempting to log in using a lower-case 'p' in your login
name. Please try again with a capital 'P'."



Mark Costlow            | Personal Contact:      | SWCP Information:
Southwest Cyberport     | Mail:  cheeks@swcp.com | Mail: info@swcp.com
Public Access Internet  | Voice: +1-505-293-5967 | FTP:  ftp.swcp.com:/pub/swcp
Albuquerque, NM         | Fax:   +1-505-271-5477 | WWW:  http://www.swcp.com/