Re: USR Couriers in short supply?

Alex Rubenstein (
Sun, 29 Oct 1995 11:20:00 -0500 (EST)

1) I meant the USR Courier.. $190 from where we get them. And they keep
on ticking.

2) I just started playing with the Boca v.34 Rack Mount jobs.. supposed
to be cheap (like $1499 for a rack and 10 modems - the rack holds 16)..
for you non-math majors, thats only $149 per modem. They seem to be
pretty compatible- however, I had trouble connecting with v.34 with an
USR Sportster that had an older chip -- it only connected using v.fc. If
When I changed the PROM in the Sportster, *BAM* - like night and day -
true .v34 connects at 28.8 or 26.4.

> We use only USR Couriers but now I understand that some critical
> component was recalled by the manufacturer and no one knows when more
> Couriers will be available. Has anyone else run across problems in
> getting Couriers?

They are too damn expensive anyway!