Re: Linux - HELP!

Mark Conway Wirt (
Sun, 29 Oct 1995 10:53:11 -0500

On Sun, 29 Oct 1995, Mark Whittington wrote:

> Hello.
> I just purchased a PM-2eR. I need software for Linux!!! Does anyone
> have this or patches to turn one of the other distributions into
> something Linux can compile? One other thing, I heard that I had to do
> something special to RADIUS to make it work, anyone know what this 'one
> thing' is? All help appreciated.

We have our pm-2e running with Linux, and I must admit that the
transition (from a Cyclades multi-port serial card) has been pretty
painless. You do NOT need to do anything with radius to get it to
compile under linux UNLESS you're running shadow passwords. If you are,
you have to make sure that radius know what character denotes a shadow,
"*", "+", etc. It's documented at livingistons web site, but I can't remember exactly where.

If you're running Linux, you'll want to check out their ISP setup page in
the technical support area -- it gives examples on how to set up a
portmaster for dialin and it just *happens* to assume that you're using a
Linux box..


Mark Conway Wirt | Intrepid Technologies Inc. | Shepherdstown West Virginia
finger for PGP | (304) 876-1199 | A Full-Service Internet Provider