Re: Diagnosing a PM-2e crash

David Crowe-Jr. (
Sat, 28 Oct 1995 19:44:10 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Brian,

> What sort of tools are available to figure out what caused a PM-2e
> to crash? We've had three of our Portmasters suddenly stop responding
> to pings over Ethernet and to incoming calls in the past week. In
> some (but not all) cases, the activity LED on the PM-2e has gone out
> (we are using the BNC connectors on all eleven PM-2e's). Power
> cycling the unit always brings it back to life.

My newest PM2e just started having much the same symptoms - except the
diagnostic light is the one that is out and the ethernet activity and status
lights are just fine and blink with the traffic. Everything is locked up
tighter than a drum with the lights on but no one answers the door. Power
cycling is the only answer and it comes back to life just like nothing
happened. The lockup can take from 20 minutes to 2 hours but it will
always come.

Differences here are that I'm using the 10BaseT port, I don't have a high
collision rate on the attached ethernet and this server is very lightly loaded
right now. I'm using ComOS v3.1.4 and almost all users are strictly PPP
on this box. No syslog output at all and a couple of the times between
lockups there were NO calls or connections made to it.

Anyone else seeing anything like this?


David Crowe, Jr.                                  Email:
OSSHE Network Engineer                            Phone: (503) 737-2868
AdS B211L                                         FAX:   (503) 737-0850
Corvallis, OR 97331