wierd behavior

Carl Hillsman (carl@intrepid.net)
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 21:50:01 -0400

i've seen two strange things since changed our dialins from a linux box
to a portmaster.

1. almost all of my mac customers using interslip are having
difficulty logging in. they either make it 'half way' or get stuck at
wiating for prompt. we didn't change the prompt. could differing mtu
sizes be causing this error (mtu of 1006 on one side and 296 on the other)?

2. from time to time we ahve a problem with the bank of 14.4 retuning an
'Xs' or 'Xsegt' to our windows users using trumpet.

anyone seen any of these issues?

on a related note we have the port speed set to 115200 for all of the
modems...14.4 and 28.8 alike. could this be an issue?

