EURDORA and Portmasters

Fri, 27 Oct 1995 16:45:40 -0400

Anyone ever seen this one. We have 6 portmasters and on all but one of them
users cannot transfer mail thru Eurdora or AirMail(Spry). The apps are giving
errors saying that they cannot resolve the names. A telnet session connected
on the same session cannot get to any machines/hosts on the internal lan that
the portmaster is connected. I know this sounds like there is a config problem
between the portmasters, but EVERY!!EVERY setting I know about is excatly the
same, same netmask table, ether0 config, routing tables are the same except for
the fact that the hosts routes are in for the individual ports. The user can
hit any machine out side of the local lan....
The only diff is that the portmaster that works is 3.1.3 and the one that does
not is 3.1.4!!!!!

Please HELP