bug revisited

John Jamerson (jamerson.giex@coastalnet.com)
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 00:17:26 -0400 (EDT)

Just last week there was an extensive thread on the infamous bug. I'd never experienced this problem.

Then last Friday nite, I got bit. Revisited the thread (arc'd in
my PC's Eudora mailbox) and saw various remarks about it not being
as prevalent since 3.1.4 made the scene. I'd been running 3.1.2
until I had time to upgrade (and wanted the dust to settle) but decided
that this was the perfect opportunity to upgrade.

Upgraded all 10 of my PM2E's on Saturday AM. Good to go. Now I'm
getting the bug bites (again) on the only PM I have that has
30 ports used.

I'm on the road, using a laptop and Unix pine to do mail, so don't
have access to the PC and its archive of Portmaster lore.

How can I prevent/minimize the bug in the short term?? (except by
rebooting the pm when I happen to catch it, or a user raises hell??).

I need to do something positive REAL quick to keep the boss happy,
and stay out of the employment lines.


John Jamerson
Systems Administrator/WAN Manager
CoastalNet/Global Information Exchange