Re: dumb question

Richard W. Gross (
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 18:03:43 -0700 (PDT)

Yes, set the PC to 9600, n, 8, 1, plug the cable to s0 on the portmaster,
and turn the pm on. You should get a prompt. Not sure if dip switch #1
needs to be up or not, don't have my manual handy...

On Thu, 26 Oct 1995, Russ Pagenkopf wrote:

> Ok, dumb question here folks, my brain is fried and has way to many fork
> process running :).
> Could I run a null modem cable from a com port on the back of a pc to a
> port on the portmaster and get the prompt? My brain tells me yes, but
> what settings do I need to set on the portmaster to get this to happen?
> Thanks,
> rus (who's running on no sleep and no caffeine and is about to rectify
> the caffeine problem)
> Russ Pagenkopf (406) 542-0838 Internet Services Montana (
> Hardware and Business Manager Connecting the World to Montana
> Best file compression around: "rm -rf /*" = 100% compression