dumb question

Russ Pagenkopf (russ@optim.ism.net)
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 18:57:10 -0600 (MDT)

Ok, dumb question here folks, my brain is fried and has way to many fork
process running :).

Could I run a null modem cable from a com port on the back of a pc to a
port on the portmaster and get the prompt? My brain tells me yes, but
what settings do I need to set on the portmaster to get this to happen?

rus (who's running on no sleep and no caffeine and is about to rectify
the caffeine problem)

Russ Pagenkopf (406) 542-0838 Internet Services Montana (ism.net)
Hardware and Business Manager Connecting the World to Montana
Best file compression around: "rm -rf /*" = 100% compression