Hayes Optima modem (fwd)

Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz ((no email))
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 13:03:47 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Helen Polanski shaped the electrons to say...
>Anyone out there have an init string for the Hayes Optima modem? Thanks

Two things I found here:

"Hayes Optima 28.8k" "AT&F&C1&D3&K3&Q5E0Q1S0=1&W\r^OK"
Hayes Optima 28.8k and Acura 14400 modem.


One recommendation uses Q1 instead of Q2 AT&F&C1&D3&K3&Q5E0Q1s0=1&W

Make sure you enter this with the DTE latched at the speed you want to use on the Hayes. &w locks the DTE speed to the current speed.

They have problems with lines with services like call forwarding; use bare lines instead.

We have a report that new (95/2/23) Acura 14400's have a problem with &D3, use &D2 instead.



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