Re: More on my radius problem..

Matthew S. Crocker (
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 11:21:37 -0400 (EDT)

My first bet is to check the configuration of the PM ports. Make sure
you have Network Dialin setup on the port.

Just because RADIUS says to start PPP does not mean the PM will start
PPP, It needs to have the port setup to allow PPP also.

type this.

set all login network dialin
save all
reset all

(I think thats the correct syntax)


-Matthew S Crocker "The mask, given time, comes to be the face itself." -anonymous

On Wed, 25 Oct 1995, Kevin M Lynn wrote:

> I've been watching my radius spit out debug stuff so I can try and figure
> out what's wrong with it..
> This next bunch of info came with an account that was given an "invalid
> login" message..
> ============
> radrecv: Request from host c7023002 code=1, id=113, length=61
> User-Name = "barer.ppp"
> Password = "\014z)\216\341vl>s\003J\241x%\350B"
> Client-Id =
> Client-Port-Id = 21
> msc_default = DEFAULT.ppp
> name = barer.ppp
> Sending Ack of id 113 to c7023002 (
> User-Service-Type = Framed-User
> Framed-Protocol = PPP
> Framed-Routing = None
> Framed-MTU = 1500
> ==========
> Next I tried the barer.ppp with a wrong password and got this..
> ==========
> radrecv: Request from host c7023002 code=1, id=125, length=61
> User-Name = "barer.ppp"
> Password = "\365"\351\336\255\033~a\0271\205_\020nkv"
> Client-Id =
> Client-Port-Id = 27
> msc_default = DEFAULT.ppp
> name = barer.ppp
> Sending Reject of id 125 to c7023002 (
> =========
> Then I typed in a completely bogus username and password, and it returned
> this..
> ==========
> radrecv: Request from host c7023002 code=1, id=119, length=61
> User-Name = "loser.ppp"
> Password = "\353|q\311i|gtq\377\211i\372\242\031\354"
> Client-Id =
> Client-Port-Id = 21
> msc_default = DEFAULT.ppp
> name = loser.ppp
> Sending Reject of id 119 to c7023002 (
> =========
> OK now tell me I'm an idiot if I'm wrong here.. but it looks like the
> first try with "barer.ppp" which is an actual username on our system and
> the correct password was going to start but then didn't for some reason
> and finally it gave the "Invalid Login" message.
> (One strange thing is that if a person logs into the shell account it
> works correctly.. that with just the username "barer")
> The second and third tries show it sending the "Reject"'s instead of the
> "ACK"'s.. so they're obviously wrong..
> Can someone maybe take a look at this and tell me if my configuration of
> my PM2e is wrong? Would any kind of wrong configuration in the PM2e cause
> these "Invalid Logins"?
> Thanks..
> Kevin