Re: Livingston Tech. Support ???

Baha Baydar (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 21:59:05 -0300 (ADT)

>Kevin M Lynn wrote:
> Livingstons tech support a week ago when that flame was going around.
> However I've definitely changed my mind since then.
> I've had this problem with the user.service and SCP patches for
> radius on SunOS4.1.3_U1 for like 2 weeks now. I tried going through the
> mailing list first because I thought surely someone will send me a binary
> for either of them the same day.. DIDN'T HAPPEN..
> So last Friday I call Livingston because I've got the two headed
> beast (the two owners of this company) breathing down my neck. Oh big
> surprise then.. "I'm sorry but I'll have to put you in the queue and
> they'll get to you as soon as they can."
> The weekend goes by with no call.. so I call on Monday and after
> a whole lotta complaining finally manage to get someone on the phone that
> was rather helpful.. (wish I remembered his name). In anycase.. he
> tracked down a modified version of the radiusd with the SCP patch in it
> for radius1.16. I was sure this was it.. I installed the radiusd.c and
> recompiled and..

{Much of the same deleted}

Lemme get this straight, you want Livingston to support an UNSUPPORTED
patch that *SOMEONE* (can't recall whom at the moment) who is in no way
associated with Livingston (other than being a customer) has written????

Sorry buddy, but the clue phone is ringing big time.

Baha Baydar				     Sales and Support
	  internet service and information systems				(902) 429-isis