Fuzzy search the portmaster-users mailing list

Kim Hendrikse (kim@nexial.nl)
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 22:01:17 +0100 (MET)

Nexial Systems is maintaining a "fuzzy" full-text index of the portmaster-users
mailing list.

This is available at:


This currently contains an index from February through to the end of September
and will be updated at the end of each month. This index provides a
fault-tolerant search of the archives constrainable by month during
the current year and then by year.

This list adds to our collection of indexes of Internet technology related
mailing lists which can be accessed from our combined NexTrieve search page.



- Cheers
Kim Hendrikse
/ \
|Nexial Systems E-mail: kim@nexial.nl |
| Ph: +31 4755 51643 |
| Fax: +31 4755 51552 |
|St. Annastraat 4 |
|6109 RH |
|Ohe en Laak |
|The Netherlands |
| |
|http://www.nexial.nl |