Re: CGI Script to turn PMWHO into a MODEM STATUS

Matthew Cable (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 21:43:33 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, Mike Jipping wrote:

> I don't have this (and would love one), BUT I recently wrote a cool little
> script that turns the output of "pmwho" (from the "pmwho.c" floating around) into
> a "modem usage" page.
> I have included the CGI Perl script below.
> For a demo, check out "". Pretty cool for
> our users.
> -- Mike

I would caution against making this publically accessible....I did
something similar and discovered a lot of zombied pmwho processes hanging
around.....keep a close eye on the load, because 5 or 6 of them together
drove the load up to 7 on my Indy....

- Matthew E Cable / Systems Administrator / Internet Technologies Group, Inc.