Portmaster + USR v.34 + trumpet winsock problem

Man Fu Cheng (mcheng@vcc.bc.ca)
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 13:03:10 -0700 (PDT)

Hi folks,

I have a pool of USR v.34 sportsters connected to a portmaster 2e. My
users use trumpet winsock to dial in for PPP connections. Users can
connect and authenticated (RADIUS) and things seem to work fine for a
minute or two. But the user side can no longer send or receive anything
right after that. I've tried to ping the user's end but nothing comes
back. Trumpet winsock does show incoming packings when
in trace ip mode.

All my ports on the portmaster have modem control on, hardware flow
control, netmask, speed 57600.

The sports are configure using: at&f1s0=1&w

Please help!!!!


| ~ ~ |
(- 0 0 -)
| Man Fu Cheng <mcheng@vcc.bc.ca> |
| Vancouver Community College |
| Vancouver, B.C., Canada |
| Oooo. |
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