Re: std.ppp vs and other questions

Leo Savage (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 10:54:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, Chris Schmidt wrote:

> I'm looking at the example user file while trying to setup a user for a
> permanent IP address and I have a couple of questions.

Having spent yesterday going over the radiusd sources, I have an answer
or two.

> What is the difference between std.ppp and

If you tell it to use the "std.ppp" filter for a user, then it uses
"" on inbound and "std.ppp.out" on outbound.

> Why does "steve", the first example in the users file, have a "," after
> "std.ppp" but "peg", further down, does not have a comma after ""?

No reason. The parsing code breaks on commas and whitespace between
attribute/value pairs. Insert commas if you like, or leave them out.
Also, values can be quoted or not, as you wish.

> Why does "steve" have a netmask of and a routing of
> Broadcast-listen and "peg" has and no broadcast?

Because "steve" can broadcast routing and "peg" cannot? It looks from
here like "steve" is a dialin subnet with a router (perhaps a PM-2eR) and
"peg" is a normal caller.

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