Debug flags and some wierdness.

Steve Thompson (
Sat, 21 Oct 1995 00:25:23 -0400 (EDT)

You know, I'd find it extremely useful to know what the bits in the
debug register correspond to.

For instance, I did a "set debug 0xff" and amidst all the other traffic,

remote_svc: Attempting host connect to x.x.x.x
remote_shutdown: Host connection terminated on fd: 759

which happens to be the default host, though there are _no_ entries in
the PM, it's all radius. It seems this message pair appears with a
regular period...

The reason I was delving into this was to see if I would get any
interesting informatin to a recent problem I'm having. It seems that
FTP-data is only happening one-way through my PPP link. It's not
consistant to one port, and I've tried an old tried and true kernel (in
case 1.3.32 broke something) in case that was the problem. So far, I'm
the only person who has FTP trouble, though sometimes people don't
complain, and I have a particularly clueless bunch of newbies for a user

I'm not certain that there's something wrong with the PM, but I recall
reading about a "null filter" glitch, or something. A long shot, I imagine.

Oddly enough, as Windows 95 user is also having trouble reading a 15K
message via POP (Eudora) with one computer, though it works on his laptop.

To clarify, some data gets through, but it seems that each packet is
delayed exponentially from the last, so that by the time ten packets are
sent, the delay causes a timeout.

Telnet, WWW, DNS, and a few other things are unaffected.

This is particularly annoying. I'm about to break out etherdump to see
if it'll work under Linux...


Steve Thompson
BOFH, System Admin, Nothing indicates shoddy workmanship more than lumps in the duct tape.