Question, (fwd)

Cor Bosman (
Sat, 21 Oct 1995 03:10:52 +0100

>Once upon a time Somebody shaped the electrons to say...
>> What would be advantage of more mem? Just wondering if the OS
>>itself would take advantage of it.
>It will use it if it needs it - but it probably won't need it. You would
>need *huge* subnet or routing tables. I believe we have had *two* sites
>with routing tables that large.
>Partially it is there because OSPF will require a lot more memory.

Tears are suddenly dropping down my cheeks. OSPF he says. Can it be true :) have to upgrade 12 glad I kept all those 1mb simms
around :)


| Cor Bosman     |  ____Xs4all Public Access____  |  tel: +31-(0)20-622-2885 |
| |     Network Administrator      |  fax: +31-(0)20-622-2753 |
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