Portmaster 2e-30 locking Up.

BRIAN TRADER (brian@netins.net)
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 14:01:01 CST

After talking with Support this AM I started up a sessions into all my
Portmasters with the console output turned onto my screen. I found this message
when I returned from lunch had appeared.

ether0: Restarting receiver after Buffer Fill
ether0: Restarting receiver after Buffer Fill

I have NOT had this message appear on the other 4 units but they have all been
locking up to the point were someone has to turn it off and reset it that way.
But there are other times when it will bring itself out of it in about 30
minutes or so. (just long enough for me to find out about it, test and then
before I get here it is okay again.)

I am just wondering does anyone else have this in their log file??? since I
don't have loggin turned on right now. (trying to elimate that as a possiable
