PM2eR-30 likes to wipe the port cfg

Joshua M. Thompson (
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 00:46:08 -0400

We've got a PM2ER handling our dialin pool, with one of the ports (S28)
connected to a 3Com Impact ISDN modem that runs a pretty much constant ISDN
link to another network (another of our class C's). It works fine for a
while, until...something happens.

The sympton is that the ISDN line gets dropped, and the Portmaster seems to
"forget" the port's settings. The port is set as a network hardwired to a
destination address that is on the same class C as the portmaster. That
remote address is a MicroRouter 900i connected to the other class C. But
when the link goes doead, the MicroRouter acn't redial until I call the
portmaster up by modem and reset the destination address on the port, which
has somehow become! After I fix that all is fine for a while.


email:                System Engineer/Network Administrator
 web:, Inc.  Farmington, MI
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