gethostbyaddr for assigned addresses

Bruce Bauman (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 17:57:02 GMT

I am a small ISP about to start operation.

I am using a Portmaster 2e-30 connected to a small network with 2
FreeBSD machines. When I use Eudora to fetch mail off my mail server,
I get error messages in my mail server's logfile as follows:

Oct 19 17:49:09 itchy popper[6676]: (v2.1.4-R3) Unable to get canonical name of client, err = 2
Oct 19 17:49:09 itchy popper[6676]: (v2.1.4-R3) Servicing request from "" at
Oct 19 17:49:10 itchy popper[6676]: (v2.1.4-R3) Ending request from "boot" at (

How do people solve this problem? Should I make up 30 dummy names and
put them in my hosts file to correspond to my 30 ports, or add them to
my DNS nameservers, or is there some better solution.

My news server (a separate machine) has the same problem.

-- Bruce