Re: ComOS dest PPP bug (fwd)

Jerry Russell (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 07:33:31 -0400

>PMs are hardcoded so they can only give out 32 IPs MAX. No more. So, an IP
>in the pool 'sticks', and it goes to 31. Happens again, 32. Happens again -
>out of IPs -
>We had a bug with the same manifestation in earlier releases, and thought we
>had done with it. But either it is lingering, or this is a different bug
>with the same symptoms. It is much rarer this time.

why does the PM reserve 32 addresses ?
My PM's only have 30 ports, not counting the ethernet and worthless printer port?
Does this mean I have to waste 2 IP's per PM ?

Jerry Russell
| I'm not really a Sys/Admin But I play one on the Internet ! |
| Jerry Russell, Staff at FLORIDA ONLINE. 3815 N US 1, #59, Cocoa, FL 32926 |
| 407-635-8888 voice, 1-800-676-2599 (toll free), 407-635-9050 fax |
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