Re: BSDI & 3C509B card

David Hoyt (
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 09:48:42 -0400

this really doesn't have much to do w/ the PMUG..
but.. If you must know.. BSDI doesn't support PCI EtherNEt cards, not
even w/ release 2.0.1

They have some OS issues that really need to be resolved at the adapter
level in the code, with respect to PCI EtherNEt cards.

our "e-mail" only support took 4 days from BDSI to tell us that..

> Hi All,
> I want to thank all of you very much for helping me to resolve
> my ping problem. All your comments, suggestions and ideas were
> much appreciated!
> Here was the solution:
> You have to disable the IDE interfaces on the Intel Zappa
> motherboard by hit the F1 key during power up and go into
> menu setup screen. After you disabled the PCI IDE interfaces
> and reboot your bsdi box, your ping will work fine. What you
> have done is to allow your 3c509B card to use IRQ 15 (the default).
> Thanks....lin