TSUs & Adtran

Dick St.Peters (stpeters@netheaven.com)
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 04:06:20 -0400

I have an Adtran "TSU 100" on my feed T. Works like a charm. So when
I needed to put in a T to a remote POP, I chose Adtran again. Not
needing the expansion capabilities of the TSU 100, I bought the plain
Adtran "TSU". Either I'm doing something seriously wrong or these
things are basically junk. I just finished taking my network down or
a couple of hours (ouch) to swap things around. The TSU will not work
on the same line on which the TSU 100 works so admirably, and the TSU
100 does not work on the line with a plain TSU at the other end.

Shortly after I bought the TSUs someone else (Brian Lloyd?) said some
not very complimentary things about Adtran. Since my TSU 100 was
working so well, I didn't pay much attention. Now I wish I had.
Would whoever 'twas mind emailing me with more info?

What are other people using for tsus?

Anybody have any _good_ experiences with Adtran model TSUs?

Dick St.Peters,         Gatekeeper, Pearly Gateway, Ballston Spa, NY
stpeters@NetHeaven.com  Owner/operator, NetHeaven 518-885-1295/1-800-910-6671
PPP/SLIP for Albany, Glens Falls, Lake George, Saratoga, Schenectady, and Troy
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