3 2E-30's Portmasters on Crack...

Sean Rolinson (snowdog@charm.net)
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 16:36:30 -5

We have 3 Portmasters, all 30 port that seem to route oddly. We have
roughly 80 modems spanned across all three portmasters. We also have
about 1000 users, all statically address that could connect to any
given portmaster at any time. The problem we are having is that the
dynamic routes added by the portmasters may loop in a traceroute. It
varies as to which two portmasters are doing it. And the IP numbers
are not consistent with any Class C. The net has a Cisco 2501 on it
and it is set to route all the packets to the first Portmaster. All
three portmasters have the 'set_reported IP' set to the first router.
It seems they get confused amongst themselves. And since they are
dynamic routes, they are not deleteable. Is there anyway for it to
change the dynamic metric? Is this the problem? I just want all the
portmasters to be friends. But they seem to be taking sides.
Any help/comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


Sean Rolinson Asst. Systems Administrator snowdog@charm.net
Charm Net Inc. Baltimore, DC, N. Va's Access to the Internet
(410) 558-3900 Voice (410) 558-3901 Fax email: info@charm.net
(410) 558-3300 Data (703) 790-5054 Data login: guest 'no pword'
http://www.charm.net/ Personal http://www.rolinson.org/~snowdog