WAN port locks up

Ed Fineran (efineran@atlantech.net)
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 16:04:35 -0400

We have a PM2ER-30 running COM/OS 3.1.4. The WAN port has never gone for
more than 2 days without locking up. Livingston tried to correct this
problem by upgrading us from 3.1.2 but it did nothing.

While its up, everything works perfectly and Livingston says its configured
perfectly. When it stops working, the s ports work fine but W1 does not
route to the outside (forcing us to reboot the entire unit). A reboot
brings everything back to normal.

It sounds like other people have had similar problems, is there a known

I would obviously appreciate any suggestions.


Ed Fineran                 efineran@atlantech.net               (301) 470-2977
Atlantech Online, Inc.  http://www.atlantech.net             (800) 256-1612