Re: PMconsole for Windows and WIN 95

Dean Waters (dwaters@RedBrick.COM)
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 12:05:55 -0700

At 11:33 AM 10/16/95 -0700, Robert Hanson wrote:
>runs great here. did you do a win95 upgrade from win3.1x or did you do a
>full win95 install from scratch. i did the latter. works like a charm.


I did an upgrade and am currently using a 16 bit ODI driver. I have a 3com
card here. mabe I should switch to it and the 32 bit NDIS drivers and see if
that make a differnece.

Dean Waters                        E-mail: dwaters@RedBrick.COM
System Administrator
Red Brick Systems                       Phone:  408-399-7103
Los Gatos, CA                           Pager:  408-788-5818