Re: PMconsole for Windows and WIN 95

Robert Hanson (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:33:19 -0700 (PDT)

runs great here. did you do a win95 upgrade from win3.1x or did you do a
full win95 install from scratch. i did the latter. works like a charm.


--- ---
Robert H. Hanson Internet Service Provider
Otis Orchards, Wa. Cutting Edge Communications
(509) 927-9541 finger: or email:

On Mon, 16 Oct 1995, Dean Waters wrote:

> Anybody successfully install this under Windows 95? I just unzipped it and
> tried running setup.exe only to find that it hosed my machine and I had to
> reboot. Windows exception error. I am running the Microsoft tCP-IP stack.
> Dean
> --
> Dean Waters E-mail: dwaters@RedBrick.COM
> System Administrator
> Red Brick Systems Phone: 408-399-7103
> Los Gatos, CA Pager: 408-788-5818